Was This Condition Diagnosed Before Or After The COVID 19 Vaccination? If So, What Manufacturer?


I have been diagnosed and my experience is very similar. You are very lucky, other studies and medical journals I have read in indicated that many people spontaneously internally bleed, and often die below 10,000 platelets. Just my experience, not giving any medical advice here. Considering I had blood Surveillance every three months for type one diabetes leading directly up to the point where I receive the vaccine and after the vaccine. I dropped to 4000 platelets. FYI.

Just a Rash or Something More? How One Symptom Led to an ITP Diagnosis Read Article...
December 13, 2024
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2 replies

I learned I had ITP not by seeing a rash. I was extraordinarily fatigued got up to go to bed and went into a full seizure on the floor. Luckily, my neighbors heard me yelling as the seizure got worse and began restricting my breathing. I had to be sedated into a coma by the paramedics just to be transported to the hospital. The next thing I remember, I was upstairs in the hospital with no diagnosis. Within a few hours, my doctor called and gave me the bad news that my blood platelets were at 4000. He started off by the good news, which was that. He said that I was extraordinarily healthy, considering my type one diabetes and other issues. I don’t suggest or imply, I know absolutely without a doubt that the Moderna vaccine caused this very rare blood condition. Like I mentioned in my post, I had a CBC blood surveillance every three months leading up to the vaccination. Now the best I can get out of my platelets after therapies across the country is 100,000 platelets, 200,000 platelets short of what I was before I got the vaccine. I was extraordinarily lucky that I survived a platelet count to 4000 you are correct that below 10,000 platelets most people do not survive. I’m doing a lot of nutrition work and seeking out experts in the medical field and the homeopathic practice. I eat more pills than food now. Just what I needed as dealing with type one diabetes is a full-time job in and of itself now I have other things to keep me awake at night wondering if I’ll awake in the morning. I hope all of the information about the studies that were done that have been sealed as national secrets for 55 years into the future will be lifted. And as a person in the law for 35 years misrepresentations and fraud will Pierce the veil of their immunity from lawsuits. Money can never give me back what I lost, but I spent two days at the hospital every week so I wouldn’t mind being compensated substantially. I’m 60 and this no doubt has shortened my life by at least 10 years. On top of the T1 diabetes. That will likely shorten my life by 10 years. Considering my age in this condition, Moderna murdered me. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I believe this will become the greatest health crisis in human history. Cancers, heart, attacks, strokes, and a whole host of other really nefarious and disturbing side effects. I was reluctant to get the shot in the first place, but I have to travel for work and I’d like to be able to go out to a restaurant and everything was closing down around me so in order to keep some standard of living, I succumbed to all the lies and rolled up my sleeve for a military nurse in the parking lot of a hospital. Something about the military delivering a vaccine to me, makes me weary to say the least, and I nearly turned around. But here I am just another victim of bad science and bad policy.

2 days ago

I was diagnosed after I had the COVID booster.

February 10

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